Phimosis, narrowed foreskin, inflamation of foreskin, conglutinations of foreskin, diabetic foreskin, esthetic reasons for circumcision, religious reasons for circumcision, smell of genital, small penis, premature ejaculation, genital warts.

Men prefer circumcision for esthetic, religious, hygienic or medical reasons. Circumcision is indicated for phimosis, inflamations of foreskin, genital warts, genital smell, premature ejaculation and for complications of diabetes.

For man with blood coagulation disorders.

If you are using medicaments, please inform us 7 days before. You have to modify or discontinue medical treatment with influence to blood coagulation 7 days before procedure after consultation with your physician. Please shave your genital area one day before procedure.

Following pre procedure we recommend abstaining from physically demanding activities and work for 2-7 days. Following the procedure it is recommended to re-dress the area daily with antiseptic cream.The stitches usually resorb after 10-20 days. Sexual absinence is recomended for 14 days.